понедельник, 19 ноября 2018 г.

The blessing.

I always had something of an obsession with old buildings. I was just fascinated by the history. Why was it built in the first place? Why was it abandoned? What did it look like back in its hay day?
Of course, some buildings were easier to figure out than others. Such was the case when I happened upon an old church along the side of a highway while driving cross-country for my brother's wedding, where I was to be the best man. I needed a break to stretch my legs, and the place looked to be sturdy enough, so I decided to pull over and check it out.
Years of exposure to the elements had stripped most of the paint from the building's exterior, though I could tell from the odd remaining speck that it was likely once white. The steeple looked to be precariously attached, but aside from that the building itself looked to be holding up fairly well.
I stepped inside and was surprised to see that I was not alone. Standing up by the altar was an old man. He was dressed as a pastor.
"Step forward, my child, and receive a blessing," the man said with a smile.
I'm not sure why I did what he asked me to. I just felt sort of... compelled, I guess. I stepped forward and kneeled before the man. He placed his hands on my head. I closed my eyes, and when I opened them again, he was gone!
A moment later, I noticed something about the way my body felt was just... wrong, I guess. I looked down, and you can imagine my surprise when I sawn a woman's body!
I rushed towards the exit of the building, but stopped short at its entrance. It dawned on me that I was suddenly wearing heels, but despite having never had them on before I seemed to have little issue keeping my balance. I wore skirt and pantyhose and it was so right for me. It then dawned on me that, while my body certainly felt strange, I seemed to be carrying myself as though I'd always been a woman!
A thousand questions ran through my mind. Who was that man? Had my mind changed as well as my body and clothes? Where the changes finished? Had only I changed, or did reality shift to accomodate my suddenly being a woman?
Whatever the answer to those questions, I didn't think I would find them there. So I rushed to my car where I found a big strong man and two boys, 3 and 5 years old...

"What did you do there, dear?" asked he and boys screamed: "Mommie! Mommie!"

"I begged the Lord to give us still and daughter." I answered with smile and kissed my husband and hugged the sons.

 And as we drove away from the church, when I happened to look back, I saw that the building too seemed to have disappeared. And then, somehow I knew that the "blessing" that had been bestowed upon me was womanhood, marriage and motherhood. And  I would remain a woman for the rest of my life!

I am a happy pastor's wife.

 I'd been a young 19 year old man when I first arrived at this small idyllic town. I'd only intended to stop overnight, but car troubles forced me to stay for several days.
I'd never been what one might consider "religious", I was even atheistic and sinful.  When Sunday rolled around, I decided to check out the local church since that seemed to be where everybody else in town was going. The town's lone church was an impressive one, and its pastor was probably the most interest man I'd ever met. He was charismantic and charming... but he creeped me out. There was just something about him... I couldn't place my finger on what, but I found him unsettling.

Still, I thought it was all in my imagination, and accepted his offer for a blessing. It was a decision I'd regret, as the moment he laid his hands on my head, I transformed into the woman you see here! My sudden transformation freaked me out, as you might imagine, but the rest of the town seemed unphased. I was quickly given the name "Deborah" and set up with a small appartment and job as a shop girl. It was also made clear to me that I was expected to be a "good girl" and act like a proper lady and attend church and all that. Of course, I was forbidden to wear pants and other man's clothes. I was must to wear only modest skirts and dresses, always with stockings or pantyhose. And despite my aversion to all that, I found myself feeling compelled to go along with it all!
Since becoming Deborah, I've spent all my free time researching the town, and more specifically, the pastor and his church.  And as I surveyed the pastor's utter victory over the place, I couldn't help but despair over the slim chances a young woman like me had at being able to stand up against a powerful man like the pastor. It seemed more likely that, in the end, I'd truly become the "good girl" I was forced to play the part of and follow the pastor just as the rest of the town had.
I just prayed that, in the end, to become a wife and mother, when the pastor made me an offer to marry him.
Now, I am a happy pastor's wife, and praying the Lord to gift me a joy of motherhood as soon as possible.

понедельник, 22 октября 2018 г.

Oh dear, you look...just adorable!

"Oh dear, you look...just adorable!" said me my aunt.

"I feel like a sissy, aunt Emma, wearing these stupid girls clothes. I want to put on my own clothes on and goout and drink a beer with my friends!"

"These are your clothes now, Klara. I got rid of all your old clothes!"

"What! Why?! How could you do that? And why you call me Klara? I am Max!"

"Max in past! And do not take that tone with me, young lady or I will sell you to a brothel, where you will become a fallen woman, a whore! I already told you that I transferred you to my world, a world where patriarchy reigns, traditional values and religiosity. Here you will be Klara, a real woman and you will never come back to your old male body and in your world!"

"Why are you doing this to me aunt Emma?"

"My dear Klara, you were a bad sinful guy and you gone the wrong path, always getting into trouble. You freands were the real bastards! I am your legal guardian and as such I have chosen a different path for you."

"What kind of path?"

"The path of a sweet girl who will grow up to be a proper virtuous lady. No more hanging around with those horrible guys. Only godly prim and proper young ladies will be your friends!"

"Please, aunt Emma, no!"

"Oh yes, my sweet little lady. From now on it's dresses and stockings for you. I will teach and train you in poper ladies etiquette and deportment until it becomes second nature to you. I will make you a real godly Christian lady! And soon, even the thought about of wearing pants will be sinful for you! Then, in a few months, when you're get use to your new life, I will marry you to strong rich man, who will make you a mother!
Now won't that be nice, Klara?"

воскресенье, 19 августа 2018 г.

My life as a pastor's wife.

I couldn't help but smile as I sat on the stoop of the appartment building where I lived with my husband, David. Looking up and down the busy street, there were just so many people, so many souls that David could potentially save!

It was a rare opportunity, the one that had been afforded to David and me. Since the Church first came to the small town he and I called home, very few people had ever left. Actually, aside from David and me, none had left! With good reason, mind you. Once we became members of the Church, there wasn't anything out there that could possibly lure us away!
I still remember the stupid, lost man that I was before the pastor first came to town. I spent my days working whatever odd-jobs I could find and my evenings drinking away whatever little money I'd made alongside the town's other young men. We all had dreams of going "to the city" and finding real work and living real lives. But in the end, none of us actually did leave.
When the pastor came to town and opened up his church, only a few people went at first. It wasn't long, though, before those few who went the first time managed to convince everybody else in town to check the new church out. And for most of us who were there that second Sunday, we were hooked moments after the pastor launched into his sermon.
The pastor's church mandated that all who join be baptized anew, even if they'd been baptized beforehand. Most of the baptisms were unremarkable, but a few, like my own, came with unexpectant changes. There was a slight majority of men in the town before the pastor came, but after being baptized enough men miraculously became woment to balance that all out!
I found my new gender strange at first, but quickly accepted it as the price of my salvation. I fully accepted with strict dress code for women in our Church: always wear dresses and skirts, always with pantyhose, even at home. I was paired up with David, a formerly military, a big, strong man 10 years older than me who seemed to develop quite the zeal for his new faith. He soon began training under the pastor and became a sort of apprentice to the man. And as David's girlfriend, and eventually wife, I found myself being drawn into things like the church's women's bible studies and bake sales and those sorts of things.
Then, recently, the pastor told David of a new calling he felt it was time for him to endeavor upon. Apparently David was to travel to the big city, along with me, and the two of us were to set up a new congregation there. It was an exciting opportunity, if also a frightening one.
' The city, with its size and diversity of creeds, has been quite the adjustment for David and me both. Just the same, though, David managed to rent a small space where we held our first few Sunday services, and just as it had in our home town, it has managed to boom quite impressively. In fact, I spent much of today looking into larger spaces we might rent using the income from all the tithes that are now coming in!
We're hopeful that, given a year or two, we might even be able to bring most of the city into the fold. It's a lofty goal, for sure, but we've seen the wonderful things God wrought at home, and which are at work here. We have faith that the faith will spread here just as it did at home. And then, God willing, when the time comes, David may even be able to send others out to start new congregations just as the pastor back home spent David.

As for me, I'm honored to be a pastor's wife and to help my husband where I can in his ministry, and am eternally grateful to the pastor for giving me the opportunity to get to be David's wife and fellow-worker in his ministry! Our children (we have two already) will grow the real religious persons like their parents.

You love being a woman.

"Fuck! Dave owes me, like, a million bucks for doing this for him!" I thought as I looked down at my very-female-body while waiting for my friend to show up so he could take me to church with him.
It was still hard to believe that the situation I found myself in was actually real. I mean, the fact that Dave's parents would require that he be married in order for him to become a partner in the family business was already not the sort of thing one expects to happen in real life. That, though, was still downright reasonable compared to the method Dave decided to go about aquiring a wife....
I supposed that Dave's family had money, and that money grants one access to things that other people might not even know exist. But this? That the technology even existed that enabled a normal man to be transformed into a fully-functioning woman was absolutely incredible! And that Dave would want to use it to transform me, his best friend, into a fiancee he could use to fool his parents was just as crazy!
I mean, I suppose I didn't have to go along with it. But Dave offered me a LOT of money, and all I really had to do was become a woman for a few months and play the part of his loving fiancee. Once his parents signed over his share in the business, I would "dump" him and Dave would get me turned back and give me the money we'd agreed upon.
As I waited for Dave to bring me to church, where I would be introduced to his parents, I began to get cold feet. I mean, I didn't know the first thing about being a woman! But it was too late to back out. I had no choice but to go along with the plan and hope for the best!
What I didn't know at the time was that Dave's parents suspected he might try to pull just that sort of trick, and so had been keeping on eye on him and knew everything! And they had their own plan on how to get their son married! When I "met" Dave's parents at church, his mom immediately hugged me. As she did so, I felt a sting in my back as she injected something into me!
"You love being a woman," Dave's mom whispered in my ear, "You love wearing dresses and pantyhose. You never wear pants. You attend the Church every Sunday. You pray to God every day. You want to be a virtuous Christian lady. You love Dave with all your heart. You want to marry him and give him lots and lots of beautiful children!"
No sooner had she spoken the words than I immeditely realized that everything she'd just said was true! In that moment, I wanted nothing more than to be a loving and dutiful wife for Dave, and to get pregnant by him as quickly as possible! I knew that my sudden "urges" had to do with whatever Dave's mom had injected into me, but I couldn't bring myself to care. Whatever the cause, the feelings I was feeling were very real, what I really wanted! I just hoped that, when I told Dave how I felt, he would be ammenable to a change in our plan....

воскресенье, 5 августа 2018 г.

God, how did I allow it to come to this?

"God, how did I allow it to come to this?" I groaned as I looked down at the very feminine form I now inhabitied.
"Of course, I knew very well how I'd "allowed it to come to that." It all started a few weeks earlier. Back then, I was still a regular 20 years old guy named Max. Like a lot of young men, I'd been depressed for some time. I just... wasn't happy.
I was feeling borderline suicidal, and decided that I needed to try to find something else in my life to cheer me up. That's what led me to experimenting with religion. I visiting a number of local churches before I ended up walking into the small chapel on the outskirts of town. When I did, I was immediately greeted by a young man, who introduced himself as the pastor of the congregation.
I don't know what prompted me to do so, but I soon found myself telling the man, well, everything. I told him all about myself and how I was feeling and all that. Through it all, the man just nodded and prompted me along in my ramblings. When it was over, the pastor smiled and told me that he knew exactly what I needed to be happy.
I thought the pastor was going to say "Jesus" or something like that, but instead he shocked me by saying that what I needed was "a real man". Once he uttered the words, I doubled over in pain as my body twisted and contorted into the form of a woman in her later thirties! And I wore the skirt and pantyhose instead the pants!
Once the transformation had run its course, the pastor waved over a man. He introduced me to the man as "Deborah" and explained that he was a widower and that I was to assume to role of his wife and the mother of his two young sons. The man, whose name was David, seemed rather pleased by the arrangement, and I was in too much shock to protest. I found myself sitting with the man and his sons during the pastor's sermon, and going home with them after church was over. That night I already slept with David in one bed and took his seed inside me.
All that was over a month ago, and since then I've grown... comfortable in my new life as a wife and mother. I can honestly say that I'm not depressed anymore, and actually fairly happy with my new lot in life. Still, the shock of my sudden change from 20 years old guy to grown 37 years old woman hasn't entirely faded, and I still find myself occassionally marveling at the fact that I really am a woman, and will be one forever! Just now I should try to become a virtuous Christian lady, always wear modest skirts and pantyhose, to love and obey Jesus and my husband, to love MY beautiful sons! (I hope the Lord blessed me and David's seed will grow in my belly and become our daughter.)

вторник, 31 июля 2018 г.

The strict rules in clothes.

Yes, dear, we have the strict rules in clothes. Our rules behind it is that pants/shorts/capri draw a man's eyes to a woman's crotch which will cause him to have impure thoughts. So we believe that if you wear modest length dresses/skirts, you are hiding your crotch from view thus protecting men from having vulgar thoughts. The same applies to bare legs. You should to go out always with covered legs. Always in pantyhose. Forget forever about pants for you! You will never to be a man again! It the Lord's will!

воскресенье, 25 февраля 2018 г.

You're part of our town!

My husband is conservative and religious man and likes to go into great tirades as to why I need to wear pantyhose. "A married woman must protect her modesty," he would explain. "Without covering her legs, she suggests that she locks a proper man in her life, and that she has low moral character. She might even be a prostitute if she shows you bare legs."
I can't deny him the right to decide what's best for me. I wouldn't want to offend him. He knows too much, and I'd rather be his wife than risk going to jail. I'd probably become somebody's wife in jail, too. And they certainly would be a lot less respecting than my current husband. I don't think I would be able to say no if one of those criminal brutes came up to fuck me.
Living as a woman had made me go 'soft in my head.' He's such a misogynist, sometimes. He's got such little faith in a woman's intelligence.
He takes joy in asserting total dominance over me, though. He makes me go into town to buy groceries, and some other necessities, nearly every day. He also insists that I, humiliatingly, buy some feminine items for myself. He knows that I am not a real woman, and yet he insists that I buy pads and tampons like as if l am capable of menstruating. A while back he even made me pick up some pregnancy tests because he said he wanted a son. Naturally I can't get pregnant, but I bet he'd be even more upset with me if I gave him a daughter.
There are no bachelors living in this town, everyone's married! All my new friends are only the various married women that lives here. They're the ones that take such pride in making me look this pretty. I have a scheduled appointment at the local beauty salon every Tuesday, and I never miss it. Though I am getting sick of it.
I passed by Laurence, our town's postman, and we quickly exchanged a couple of smiles. But then he stopped and said he might as well hand me my letter now, instead of biking all the way to my husband's house on top of the big hill.
I looked down on the letter and saw that it came from some kind of adoption agency. I quickly opened it and I didn't make it past the first sentence where I could only read 'congratulations...' before an old lady came up behind me. I recognised her from church, she was Mrs. Havers, our pastor's wife.
"Oh, my dear," Mrs. Havers said as he hugged me tight. "Your husband told me and my husband about your struggles to conceive, and we felt so sad for you. But your husband said we could help, if we testified to the adoption agency about what a good young virtuous Christian lady you are and how you dream being a mother. Keeping this a secret has been tough, but we're with my husband so happy for you and your husband, and we're going to make sure you feel just like any other mother. You're part of our town!"

I can't believe!

"Oh my God. I can't believe how much I love wearing these pantyhose and this dress! Thanks so much for my transformation! Now, I'mm feeling myself right when I'm wearing female clothes and I love that feeling." I exclaimed.

"And you don't know how glad I am to hear that because I have a confession to make... I prayed to the Lord that he help me to correct you. You were a sinful, rude young man who did not believe in God, and you, besides, tried to harrasment me! The Lord heard my prayers! And I had a vision: you can be corrected if your life completely changes. And you should understand WHO made these changes!" Rebecca answered me.

"So you wanted me to be a girl?"

"God wanted it so! And you will be a woman to the end of the world, even when your life on earth ceases."

"So .. .is this it? I'm a real girl now?"

"Yup. You should see yourself in the mirror - your features are completely feminine and you are soooo pretty. Or just lift up that dress if you don't believe me. You have a proper flat crotch like all women have."

"Yes, I'm feeling it. But here, it's strange, I lost a sexual attraction to you. But I still feel love. "

"This is right, this is sisterly love, because you are a woman, and a woman should only like men. It's a sin for virtuous Christian lady to be a lesbian! You will love a man, you will become his wife, and then the mother of his children."

"Are you kidding?!'

"It's a truth, my dear Deborah! You will become a real godly virtuous Christian lady! You will become a 31 Proverbs wife and mother! You will never put on pants again! Only modest dresses and skirts for you forever, with pantyhose constantly! And now let us go to the church meeting. I will introduce you as my cousin. By the way, our second pastor, Steve Merx, is not married and is looking for a woman. I think, he will fall in love with you. Imagine, you will be a pastor wife, Mrs. Deborah Merx! "