понедельник, 19 ноября 2018 г.

I am a happy pastor's wife.

 I'd been a young 19 year old man when I first arrived at this small idyllic town. I'd only intended to stop overnight, but car troubles forced me to stay for several days.
I'd never been what one might consider "religious", I was even atheistic and sinful.  When Sunday rolled around, I decided to check out the local church since that seemed to be where everybody else in town was going. The town's lone church was an impressive one, and its pastor was probably the most interest man I'd ever met. He was charismantic and charming... but he creeped me out. There was just something about him... I couldn't place my finger on what, but I found him unsettling.

Still, I thought it was all in my imagination, and accepted his offer for a blessing. It was a decision I'd regret, as the moment he laid his hands on my head, I transformed into the woman you see here! My sudden transformation freaked me out, as you might imagine, but the rest of the town seemed unphased. I was quickly given the name "Deborah" and set up with a small appartment and job as a shop girl. It was also made clear to me that I was expected to be a "good girl" and act like a proper lady and attend church and all that. Of course, I was forbidden to wear pants and other man's clothes. I was must to wear only modest skirts and dresses, always with stockings or pantyhose. And despite my aversion to all that, I found myself feeling compelled to go along with it all!
Since becoming Deborah, I've spent all my free time researching the town, and more specifically, the pastor and his church.  And as I surveyed the pastor's utter victory over the place, I couldn't help but despair over the slim chances a young woman like me had at being able to stand up against a powerful man like the pastor. It seemed more likely that, in the end, I'd truly become the "good girl" I was forced to play the part of and follow the pastor just as the rest of the town had.
I just prayed that, in the end, to become a wife and mother, when the pastor made me an offer to marry him.
Now, I am a happy pastor's wife, and praying the Lord to gift me a joy of motherhood as soon as possible.

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