вторник, 26 декабря 2017 г.

It is good...

It is good if the forcibly feminized sinful young guy is married to a conservative Christian gentleman who will give her the loving discipline that struly needs. Anytime that sinful guy inside her ever does emerge. He will close her forever in modest skirts and pantyhose. She will be forced to attend the Church with him, pray 5 times in a day and with time she will become a real virtuous Christian lady, the biblically wife and mother.

суббота, 23 декабря 2017 г.

I will strive to become a real godly virtuous Christian lady!

I am recently was transformed from trashy sinful guy into a woman. I have been studying scripture and it sounds like God really wants woman to dress distinctly feminine. After much prayer, I have come to the conclusion that wearing skirts and pantyhose all the time would be the most God pleasing thing to do. And today, after the Sunday church service our pastor made me an offer to become his wife. Oh Lord, you forgave me! You give me the happiness of being a wife and mother! I swear, I will strive to become a real godly virtuous Christian lady!

God is truly awesome!

" I'm so glad you listened to the Lord's guidance and made the commitment to start dressing like the feminine lady He made you to be. I know it was hard for you to accept your new life, after all, you grew up in jeans and pants. Then you were a trashy sinful young man."

"But when I moved in with you, auntie, you, who is a virtuous godly Christian lady, you insisted that I join your church and you, with God's help, transformed me into a girl. You forced me to give up my pants and always to wear skirts and dresses. 
I prayed about it a lot and read my Bible and realized that God had put this before me for a reason and so I'm proud to say that I now dress like a modest young Christian lady everyday and no longer own even a single pair of pants. And no one will see me without pantyhose!"

"Yes, my dear, don't worry about your losted manhood. Enjoy your new femininity, but be modest, godly and virtuous! Christian men will treat you with honor and respect. You'll be surprised at how wearing modest ladylike attire will bring out the chivalry and gemtlemanliness in any guy. Be prepared to have doors opened for you and seats given to you, and enjoy it because you are a true lady now. God is truly awesome!"

The strict rules.

At the church I attend with my family dress code for girls is strict. A dress or skirt/blouse must always be worn usually with a cardigan buttoned up. Pantyhose have to worn throughout the year. If I went to church without wearing a pair of tights I would be caned by my mother. I have to attend church twice on Sundays with bible class on Sunday afternoon and every Tuesday and Thursday evening at the church. At home we have bible study every night and grace before all meals. I know I live in a strict home and my parents do not spare the rod when it comes to disciplining me but I respect that.
I am grateful to them for the fact that they adopted me 4 years ago. And they try to make of me, the former rude sinful boy, a real lady. Now I'm 18 years old and I see my future life only as a woman! I want to become a good wife and mother and, of course, become a real virtuous Christian lady!

воскресенье, 10 декабря 2017 г.

This is what the Lord wanted!

I can't help but wonder just what I did to deserve this...
I mean, I always tried to be a relatively good guy. I went to church each Sunday. I tried to be nice to people, even those who I didn't particularly like. I thought I was doing pretty good, but then in our Church got a new pastor....
The new pastor Merx started to say me that I was a sinner. Why he disliked me I do not know. Everytime when I met with him invariably walked away feeling like I was just about the worst person on the planet.
One Sunday, after the Church service, pastor Merx declared that I wasl to be punished for my transgressions. No sooner had he spoken those words than I found myself in the wrong body! I found myself,  in the robust form of Mrs. Merx, the wife of our pastor!  And believe me, nothing will freak out a 23 year old guy quite like suddenly finding himself in the body of 33 year old married woman!
Pastor Merx said, I needed a lesson in humility, because a free unmarried guy, dreaming of becoming a leader, like me, should will to know weakness, submission and service.

I became Mrs. Merx and she became me. But soon she left us forever in my body. I never saw her again. I think she was happy to leave her authoritarian husband and enjoy freedom. And as for me, pastor Merx made some tweaks to my head, I feel an irresistible compulsion to behave like a "proper Christian lady" and obey my husband and all that. I must to wear only dresses or skirts always with pantyhose. The thought of wearing male clothes, even lady's pants made me nauseous and the fear of God's punishment. And, I want to say, I became a mother, two Merx's daughters (14 and 11) call me "mommie" and they want to become the virtuous godly ladies like their mom. My husband started to fuck me in the first night and he do it now every night! Не wants a son and fill me with his seed to the brim.
First I thought, how can I be too prideful! But now I got used to be a woman and even like it. This is what the Lord wanted!

"Could I look any less womanly?

"Could I look any less womanly?" I asked as I fidgeted around nervously in the outfit my aunt Ellen had dressed me up in.

"Oh relax," aunt Ellen said, "In case you haven't noticed, you aren't a man right now. Now and forever you're a woman and looking 'girly' is a good thing for you!"

"I guess, but there is women's dress clothes out there other than dresses. Couldn't I wear some slacks or pants? Or at least go without these nasty stockings!?"

"You must steer clear of the pants at our church. They're fully disallowed for ladies. It's very sinful for a woman to wear pants. And about the stockings, you will get used to wear them, like me and other virtuous Christian ladies! You will wear stockings constantly, every day, even at home! Bare legs - only for whores!" aunt Ellen exclaimed.

"Maybe this whole outing is a bad idea. I mean, if your church is so conservative, a guy in a girl's body would probably be a pretty bad fit for it..."

"No one will know about it if you behave like a young lady! The Lord helped me turn you a sinful young man into a gentle weak girl and he will help you become a true virtuous Christian woman!" aunt Ellen pointed out.

"Okay, but maybe there'd be some other place I'd personally feel more comfortable going for my first outing. "

"Oh no you don't. You're coming to church with me, missy, and that is NOT negotiable!" aunt Ellen insisted.

I just sighed and nodded.
I actually ended up having a great time at aunt Ellen's church. I had invitations to several women's bible study's before I knew it, and even an invitation to a single's mixer that aunt Ellen insisted I go to. One young gentleman in particular, Steve his name was, seemed very keen that I go to that. He is 10 years older than me, tall, strong, handsome... Oh, what I said... About such a husband every girl can dream of!... Yes,  I'd definitely be going to church!
It was funny. I knew I was stuck as a woman forever, but I never imagined that I'd become a religious woman at that, a real virtuous Christian lady!

суббота, 9 декабря 2017 г.

The pray.

Hi God...
I suppose I should start with an apology. I've said some pretty nasty stuff about you over the past couple of months. I know it was stupid to say those things. I was just so mad about my situation... but you already know that.
I don't know, maybe Mr. Roberts... Dad, is right. Maybe you put me in this body for a reason. I mean, I shouldn't be complaining about any body I got. My old one was going to die, after all. And it wasn't like it wasn't my fault. I was the one who did those drugs and ended up overdosing. I really am lucky that Dr. Stevens happened to be on call that evening and that Sarah's body was available. Otherwise, well, I guess I wouldn't be here at all!
Still... it's weird being a girl. Even after all these months, I can still scarcely believe that the young girl staring back at me in the mirror is really me! I guess that's probably fair enough. Going from being a 24 year old guy to a 17 years old girl is going to take a while to come to terms with.
And the body's not even the weirdest part! It's the way people treat me! To the rest of the world, I'm the little girl I appear to be now. And I fought it for so long! I didn't want to go to school or wear dresses and pantyhose or keep my hair long. And I certainly didn't want to go to church with Mom and Dad and be the proper young virtuous Christian lady they expect me to be.
But... I have to come to terms with what I am now. I am Sarah Roberts. The guy I was is gone... dead. And the life I have now... it's different, but it's not bad. My parents love me and take good care of me, even if they can be strict. I know, as a virtuous Christian lady, I must forget about wearing pants. I must become a wife and mother in near future. And I'm even beginning to think that maybe... our young pastor Merx is so handsome man... He wants to become my husband when I will be 18 years old, he told my parents!
So, I guess what I'm saying is that I'm sorry for all the bad stuff I've done... all my sins. And please, help me. Help me to believe in you and to be a better girl and a better person. And I promise I'll try hard too!

The new Church.

I had never been all that religious growing up. It all started a few weeks ago when my boss at work started acting strangely. Steve Merx was a big, strong 40 years old man. All the work I ever did for the man always seemed to fall into one of two categories: awful or so-bad-he-should-fire-me.
Then, one day, that all changed. Steve showed up to work one day with a smile on his face. He would praise my work, and even offered to let me take some time off.
I asked him what had brought about the sudden change in personality. He explained that a new church had opened near his house, and all it took was one conversation with its pastor to make a new man out of him. He then invited me to join him that evening at the men's bible study that was going on with the pastor.
We showed up at the lobby of the church that evening, and sure enough there was the pastor. He was a handsome man, only a couple years older than my own 27 years of age. He greeted us, and immediately I could tell there was something special about the man. He was just so... it was hard to put a word to it. Engaging? Charismatic?
Steve and I made to enter the room that housed the men's bible study, but the pastor pulled me aside and suggested I might be more comfortable in the other bible study across the lobby. I decided to go along with the man's suggestion. It was his church after all. When I entered the other room, though, I was surprised to see it was a lady's bible study! I was going to walk out, but all of a sudden, my body began to change. Over the course of just a few moments, I transformed from my former male self into a woman! Oddly, though, after a brief moment of panic, I suddenly felt extremely calm. My new body felt strange, there was no denying that, but it also felt sort of right... like it was the way I was meant to be. I was dressed in strict conservative green skirt suit, black pantyhose and modest green heels. And these clothes were right for me. I knew, the wearing the pants and to be with bare legs is very sinful for a virtuous Christian lady...
None of the other women seemed to pay any mind to my transformation, and the bible study got on as scheduled. After it was over, I met up again with Steve in the lobby. When I saw him, I just sort of knew that he wasn't my boss anymore... he was my husband! We went home together, and have been living as man and wife ever since. I am a happy mommie of two nice sons. After the miraculous events of that first bible study, I've become very devoted to both my new husband and my new church. It's been an adjustment, but I'm doing my best to be the best wife to Steve and the best daughter of God that I can be!


I've always loved music. Looking back, I suppose it's the one thing in my life that hasn't really chang since I was a boy.
After high school, I totally got into the whole "punk" thing, and ended up forming a band with other like-minded guys. We played a dirty devilish music.  I got into drugs and couldn't hold down a regular job and got into a ton of debt. Things got so bad that I was even considering, well, ending it. But just as things seemed hopeless, Mr Steven Merx showed up at my place one day.
Steve said he could help me turn my life around if I wanted, but I'd have to do everything he told me. I knew I couldn't keep living as I was living, so I agreed.
The first thing he required of me was to begin going to learn the Holy Bible. Steve constantly talked to me about God and for some reason told me about the lives of godly women, wives and mothers. And he started me on a bunch of pills and some special soap and stuff that he told me was to help clean me up after years of poor hygiene and get all the drugs out of my system.
I began to lose body and facial hair as my skin became smoothe and pale. I began to lose a lot of weight, but not in fat, only in muscle, and my shoulders started to shrink, the pelvic bones became wider. And then there were the mounds developing on my chest and the way I seemed to be getting smaller "down there."
I figured out I was transforming into a woman,  I became indignant and yelled at Steve to undo what was happening to me. But he refused me. And, on the contrary, made me completely a woman! He forbade me to wear pants and forced me to wear pantyhose all the time. He said, I will always to wear only dresses and skirts like a proper virtuous Christian lady.
He required of me was to begin going to church with him. As it turned out, he was a pastor! He required of me to ask the Lord to make me a real woman! It means, to be a wife and mother!
After I had my first ovulation, we got married in the church and after 9 months I became the mother of our first child.
I became a regent of the church lady's chor and played the piano on spiritual music. I got used to be the woman. I hadn't done much with my life as a man, so a change was in order....
I began to make a lot of friends amongst the women at church. More than any of that, though, I began to really fall in love with God.  I really have become enamored with Him and have a hard time imagining myself being anything other than the best daughter of God that I can be! And that's the greatest blessing of all, I think I could still be happy just being the woman I've become and knowing that God loves me no matter what!

вторник, 5 декабря 2017 г.

Like a virtuous Christian ladies...

Like a virtuous Christian ladies, we must gladly attend on every service in our Church. Always so properly attired in the nice elegant midi skirts,  blouse and pantyhose. Our parishioners say that we are the best example of a virtuous Christian woman, wives and mothers with high moral values! Our husbands glad to hear it. Nobody except us and the Lord, does not know that a few years ago, we were unbridled sinful guys.