суббота, 23 декабря 2017 г.

The strict rules.

At the church I attend with my family dress code for girls is strict. A dress or skirt/blouse must always be worn usually with a cardigan buttoned up. Pantyhose have to worn throughout the year. If I went to church without wearing a pair of tights I would be caned by my mother. I have to attend church twice on Sundays with bible class on Sunday afternoon and every Tuesday and Thursday evening at the church. At home we have bible study every night and grace before all meals. I know I live in a strict home and my parents do not spare the rod when it comes to disciplining me but I respect that.
I am grateful to them for the fact that they adopted me 4 years ago. And they try to make of me, the former rude sinful boy, a real lady. Now I'm 18 years old and I see my future life only as a woman! I want to become a good wife and mother and, of course, become a real virtuous Christian lady!

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