суббота, 13 августа 2016 г.

You must become a virtuous Christian lady.

Dear, forget your old male life, you must become a virtuous Christian lady. Why? Because the virtuous Christian lady has the moral foundation to be a proper wife and mother. As the virtuous Christian lady you will gain the proper respect that you deserve. Yes, you will be a wife, mother and church lady. You will attend the Church and pray. You will obey and love your husband and you will be a loving mother for your future children. You will must become a good example for young ladies. It essential for the virtuous Christian lady to be properly attired. Wearing a nice skirt, or dress that is at least knee length always with pantyhose or stockings, as part of your proper feminine attire.  You will sit on the couch crossed your ankles with your nice skirt, draped so properly over your knees, to protect your modesty. (You will spread you legs only at night in your bedroom taking your husband and his seed.) And of course you will deal with other properly attired Christian ladies.  

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