суббота, 20 августа 2016 г.

This is the ideal situation.

"Dear, remember once and for all, in our city a wife always submits to her husband.  This is similar to a 50's style, moral, not abusive. This is the ideal situation. The Man submits to Christ and the woman wanting to submit to Christ does so also to her husband. The household gets raised in a Godly manner. This is the ideal life, and Biblical. You must  always remember, God transformed you into a woman and you will never be a man again! You know, you will never wear pants and you will always wear skirts, dresses and nylons. Now you must accept your new role in life, the role of submissive Biblical wife. But don't worry, you would be treated with equal love and respect but with the understanding that my word, being based on God's teachings, is final." 

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