понедельник, 28 ноября 2016 г.

The gender distinction is a very important biblical principle.

"Remember dear, that gender distinction is a very important biblical principle. Even in clothing stores women go in the women's section and men go in the men's section. If you're a virtuous Christian lady you should have a personal conviction to not wear pants anywhere and that's great follow God do what is right but know. The Lord is looking not only at your heart, but on your attire. Because, the pants for you in the past, along with your manhood and your muscles. The Lord transformed you into a weak, soft woman. And you will spend your life only in feminine dresses, modest skirts and conservative skirt suits. And my requirement for you is always covered legs too. Pantyhose in church and stockings in other places. As my wife, the pastor's wife, you must be an example of female modesty and virtue for other women!"

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