пятница, 24 марта 2017 г.

I'm glad you accepted your new life as a woman.

I'm glad you accepted your new life as a woman. You must know, you will never become a man again! The Lord has decided! And therefore you must to dress in a  traditionally feminine fashion. You will forever quit wearing pants and immodest clothes. You will wear only dresses and skirts, as a virtuous Christian lady should. Changing your style quickly will give you the opportunity to quickly realize yourself as a woman, not only outside but also inside. You will quickly start thinking like a woman and have fun when your husband will take you. And I'll take you several times a day. After all, I want to make you a mother as soon as possible. Our female parishioners should see that the pastor's wife is as much a woman like they are. She's a faithful godly wife, loving mother and good housewife! And sure my dear, you will don't wear slutty skirts.  All your hem lines will be from the top of your knees to about mid-calf that you would feel yourself quite modest. And also you will always wear pantyhose or stockings. It look more modest and fashionable.

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